Gemini New Moon Blessings and Gratitudes.

Friday 10.38 am on the west coast of the Americas.
Energy is low as the Moon finishes Her cycle.
She reaches out again for her union with the Sun.
And prepares for a new cycle.
So much uncertainty; we're tired of the fear.
Tired of the edge between surrender and not knowing.
Our hearts long for the community of love.
Our minds race between impossibilities.
Our emotions are raw.
Our intuitions dark.
The need for nurturing love and healthy exchanges is encouraged by the Sun Moon conjunction and the Mercury Venus conjunction all in engaging Gemini.
Humans are social and tribal animals.
The individual is nurtured by his community.
Community serves the individual.
We are in this together.
We miss hugs and human contact.
As restrictions are lifted we dread the new normal and long for the simple connections to nature and friends.
So much depends on how we react to the times ahead.
So much depends on self care and inner work, on creativity and spiritual practice.
Take the time at this new moon to reflect on what you are letting go off in your life and what is being invited.
This is a time of intension and prayer as we all invite a better world for our selves and our community.
Peace and love,
Martin Comtois