Sun ☉enters Pisces ♓︎ on the 20th.
New Moon ☾ In Pisces ♓︎ on the 23rd.
Mercury ☿ retrograde conjoins the Sun☉on the 26th.
Virgo ♍︎ Full Moon ☽ on March 9th.
Mercury ☿ turns direct on March 9th.
That's a lot of Pisces coming our way.
And there is a lot of Capricorn still with Saturn saying: "get to work on your new life buddy!!!!
Mercury ☿ is the archetype of the psychopomp, the guide of souls, the trickster, the Lord of communication and the gatherer of information, in Pisces ♓︎ He/She (Mercury contains all polarities within its unity and is therefore addressed as the uniting third) is in the deep fog of the great dissolving influence of the Lord of the Depths. Pisces ♓︎ seeks to dissolve the boundaries that keep us separated. It's the cuddle puddle of the Zodiac. Mercury ☿ in Pisces ♓︎ connects with the depths, but has a hard time focusing on the reality of incarnation. ( I know I have mercury in Pisces) In retrograde mode and with the New Moon ☾ coming at the end of the week it will be difficult to find clarity of purpose and personal exchanges will have a mirroring effect where truth is easily confused with wishful thinking. Our urge to merge and to crawl back into the womb is going to be strong as the Lunar Cycle and Mercury ☿ travel together towards their conjunction with Neptune ♆. Clarity is at a premium and emotions run deep.
Mars ♂︎ has been trining Uranus ♅ empowering the revolutionary spirit animating the resistance against the abusive mentality of business as usual.
As Mars ♂︎ moves closer to the conjunction of Jupiter ♃, Saturn ♄ and Pluto ♇ in Capricorn ♑︎ tensions will mount as confrontations with the statues quo becomes inevitable. This makes for a very volatile and potentially dangerous beginning of Spring. Like it has not been a crazy year already!!!!!!
Try using this Mercury ☿ retrograde cycle and the coming new Moon ☾ to connect with the spirit of the depths, to focus your intention and keep your ears to the ground for clues that our bound to manifest. Following this practice will go a long way to make sure our feet are firmly on the ground as events move fast and panic continues to set in on our collective.
One of the great lessons of our age is to learn to have a more balanced life. We must give the opportunity for our inner self to be heard and to connect with Her/He in union, the symbolic sacred union that is an experience within. This is the esoteric purpose of Mercury, to be the uniting third. Without that strong connection with the inner child we feel lost and disoriented. Taking the time for deep introversion and slowing down will lead to the clarity we need.
The Mercury ☿ Sun ☉ conjunction on the 26th (the first half point of the Mercury ☿ retro-cycle) will be the first step in regaining that clarity. As we move to integrate greater engagement with spiritual and creative practices we can make the best of these powerful upcoming alignments.
As Mars ♂︎ moves along into Capricorn ♑︎ and joins first Jupiter ♃, then Pluto ♇, then Saturn ♄ we're bound to experience that as an energy boost. How it affects us depends on how we prepare ourselves during this Mercury ☿ Retro dance.
This evening ( a flash after 6.30...... say 6.33 pm west coast time (to honour Mercury ☿) I'm going to do a video and show you what this looks like in three D.
Tune in. Drop out.
See you later.....alligator! (the trickster made me do it)
Peace and love